Logical Playing Cards Puzzle

Logical Playing Cards Puzzle Solution - 28 August

From a pack of 52 cards , i placed 4 cards on the table.

I will give you 4 clues about the cards:

Clue 1: Card on left cannot be greater than card on the right.
Clue 2: Difference between 1st card and 3rd card is 8.
Clue 3: There is no card of ace.
Clue 4: There is no face cards (queen,king,jacks).
Clue 5: Difference between 2nd card and 4th card is 7.

Identify four cards ?

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2 3 10 10

The 1st card has to be 2 and last card has be 10 as there is no other way difference can be 8.
=> 2 ? 10 ?

because of clue 4, we know 4th card is 10
=> 2 ? 10 10

because of clue 5, we know 1st card is 3
=> 2 3 10 10